Sales Performance

The 3-GATES Selling System

Credibility, business savvy and political acumen form the prerequisites of top tier selling in today’s complex business world. Working with thousands of top producers, Brent has captured the very best sales practices, strategies and techniques and wove them together into one seamless, practical, reproducible methodology. The 3-GATES Selling System is essential training for B2B sales professionals, managers and executives.

Before they will buy your solution, Prospects must make three decisions; each decision is a gate in your selling process and in their buying process. The 3 gates are the three sequential challenges you must overcome with the influential team within the Prospect organization that controls the decision.

Gate 1 – “Why do anything at all? Why not do nothing?” They must firmly decide that they have a profit-inhibiting problem worth fixing or an opportunity worth funding.

Gate 2 – “Why this?” and “Why you?” Once they have decided to act, they must decide that your proposed solution is superior and that your firm is the best possible choice.

Gate 3 – “Why now? Why not wait?” Once they have decided to buy your solution, from you, they must feel that waiting is more expensive than acting now.

Each of these three sequential gates requires a different set of tools and skills in order to move the Prospect through their buying process and close the premium-priced deal. The workshop delivers use-immediately tools that are applied to live deals during class:

  • Differentiate Suspects from Prospects.
  • Develop and leverage Inside Coaches to help you win the deal.
  • Build a political strategy to influence the people making the final buying decision.
  • Forge a deep connection between the Prospect’s business problems and your solution.
  • Create a compelling, measurable Value Proposition that speaks their language.
  • Assess the competitive landscape and select a winning strategy.
  • Plan and deliver a sales presentation that is brief, compelling and engineered to win the deal.

In this game-changing 5-day workshop, delivered in 2 phases, Brent Finnamore leverages his 25 years’ experience in selling and in training and coaching sales professionals and executives around the globe to bring you the definitive formula that cracks the code for winning large, premium-priced deals.

   Achieving L.I.F.T. – A complete success formula for becoming a top producer in sales.

Since 1993 Brent Finnamore has inspired and motivated more than 350,000 people across the globe, empowering them to harness their personal power and reach their business and career goals. Now for the first time, Brent distills his vast experience training tens of thousands of sales professionals to bring you The L.I.F.T. Formula and enable you to become a top producer in your field. In this awakening 2-day seminar Brent helps sales professionals become driven and unstoppable (while still following processes and requirements):
Leverage thoughts. How to think in ways that cause you to feel wonderful and empowered more of the time – even when things aren’t going well. Once you learn how to tap into your most productive and resourceful emotional states, you will discover energy levels you never knew you had.
Ignite wants. You will develop your own Compelling Obsession – a detailed description of your ideal future – and intensify your desire for it by making it clear, detailed, action-oriented and aligned with your values. Hunger is the base ingredient in all success. You will awaken yours during this part of the workshop. Suddenly, sales actions don’t require willpower – they occur automatically and with more pleasure.
Forge deep belief. A belief is a feeling of certainty and the absence of doubt. Your beliefs about your life are what control your life. You will go through a series of “impossible” exercises and gradually cultivate a feeling of certainty about your own inherent power, about your own traits and talents, about the excellent products and services you sell and about the great company you work for.
Take regular action. Action is the entire point of the workshop. The L, I and F are designed with one purpose – Action. You’ll discover how to get yourself to take consistent, routine action – and occasionally bold action – to move you toward your clear wants and goals.

Negotiation Strategies for Sales Professionals

Negotiations take place at every step of the sales process, not just at the final stages. For large, premium-priced deals, salespeople must constantly negotiate with prospects and customers as they arrange discovery meetings, work to satisfy conflicting needs within the prospect organization, settle on contract inclusions and conditions, etc. But for most, the greatest challenge is to keep all this dealing activity from evolving into an adversarial relationship. Negotiation in a sales environment is unique from other business functions because the three elements – Information, Power and Time Frame often appear to work against the salesperson. This 2-day workshop teaches salespeople how to negotiate effectively while still building trust:

Leveraging information – How to maximize your own BATNA and create subtle doubt in your prospect’s BATNA (best alternative to no agreement).

Leveraging the time frame   5 strategies to create a sense of urgency that keeps the prospect actively moving toward closing.

Leveraging power   How to highlight your organization’s strengths and use soft power in increase your confidence and influence.

Negotiating price – Price negotiations often create the biggest challenge for salespeople. This course teaches the best techniques for determining their bottom line and moving the conversation toward additional elements of value besides price.

Dealing with “dirty tricks” and tactics – Learn the most common gambits prospects use to gain leverage and how to diffuse them without creating tension.