Insights & Articles

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  • 5 things managers can do to deal with QQ
    QQ is a very North American phenomenon. European work cultures have always valued work-life balance and long-term sustainability for employees. Europeans in general take more vacation and work within more clearly defined boundaries. Perhaps the pandemic-induced shift in working dynamics sparked a “market correction” that was overdue in North America. In any case, QQ is […]
  • 2 Types of Quiet Quitting are Emerging. Here is your Complete Guide.
    More than ever before, employees seem to be reevaluating their relationship with work and with work-life balance. Enter the very latest trend – Quiet Quitting. Of course, QQ doesn’t actually mean quitting, it generally means trying to find a more sustainable or a more effective approach to work. While QQ is certainly a new term, […]
  • Using 4 Behavioral Routines to Accelerate Progress Toward any Strategic Objective
    Somewhere in the middle of an improvement initiative, the questions often begin to be asked: “Why has our improvement initiative suddenly seemed to stall?” “We’ve assessed, planned, involved and deployed. Everyone is on board and engaged – so why is progress so slow?” “Why aren’t the needles moving like we planned? What is causing this […]
  • The 5 realizations of a customer-focused organization
    It was kind of frustrating. I have 25 books, written by the greatest thought leaders and practitioners in the world, on topic of customer experience leadership. Customers for Life, Raving Fans, Uncommon Service, Chief Customer Officer, Killer Customers, The Hidden Wealth of Customers, The Ultimate Customer Experience…the list goes on. Sounds like a great reading list, right? […]
  • What the Top Performers Are Doing Differently to Sell in a Virtual World
    Selling has not completely changed; it only feels that way. All the old rules and best practices for winning large deals do still apply – find and qualify prospects, go in with a preliminary value proposition, design good questions that uncover profit-inhibiting problems and needs, develop inside coaches to help you navigate the processes and politics of the organization, […]
  • Lessons Learned Since March 2020: How to Nail the Virtual Sales Call – What you must Unlearn and Learn
    What to unlearn immediately: Unlearn the notion that you can actually “see” someone on a video call. You cannot. Our best technology combined with our fastest internet speeds cannot detect or replicate the thousands of micro-expressions people show through subtle tics, gestures and tiny facial expressions that last less than a tenth of a second. […]
  • Getting through the door with a Preliminary Value Proposition B2B Sales Tools – Getting through the door with a Preliminary Value Proposition
  • Persuading customers with the Y-Factor Customer Service Tools – Persuading customers pleasantly with the Y-Factor
  • Rhymes for the times Customer Service Tools – Some rhymes for the times
  • Laser-focused influence Influence & Persuasion Tools – Creating laser-focused influence with a Strategic List